October 11, 2018 · A review from Trip Advisor posted just days ago. We continue to urge anyone who has recently visited Supai to PLEASE report any abuse or neglect that you witness. It’s the only chance these animals have to get help and…
Category: Accountability
Hold Your Horses: A Win in 2019 – Still Happening
SAVE Havasupai Horses PRESS RELEASE: May 3, 2019 · ATTENTION SAVE SUPPORTERS !! Susan Ash was interviewed for this film. TICKETS: $12 general admission • $9 Film Festival Members Call the Film Festival office at 928-282-1177to order your tickets by phone. Visit our office…
Havasupai Horses Website Provides Documented Proof
GALLERY The following photos were all provided by visitors to Havasu and are being used with their permission. The multitude of photos illustrating the deplorable condition of the Havasupai pack animals speaks for itself. And this is why we must…
*** Worldwide Reach!! *** SAVE’s Facebook presence has informed the World about the Abuse and Neglect of the tribe’s Pack Animals. This chart displays the number of *Continents and *Countries reached by our Facebook posts. It’s an indicator of the…

Facebook Authors Plead for Interventions from Hobbs
This is the response we got from Governor Katie Hobbs office who has received hundreds of calls and emails from all over the country. The State of AZ is spending tax dollars assisting the Havasupai Tribe, but she won’t even pick up the phone and try to help these starving animals.
Email or call her again and ask “ Why is it you will pose for a photo opp with the tribe, provide state funds to the tribe but not exert any influence to facilitate help for these starving animals or an end to the animal abuse by the tribe? “
Katie Hobbs (602) 542-4331
Senator Mark Kelly
2201 E. Camelback Rd Suite 115
Phoenix, AZ 85016
(602) 671-7901

Petitions Demand Accountability
NOTE: The following story is from the VICTORY website. Please consider signing their petitions to end this nightmarish existence for these defenseless horses and donkeys. Stop The Mistreatment Of The Havasupai Horses! Published: August 16, 2019 at 02:25 PM Author: PENNY EIMS Supai,…

Trip Advisor Website Rife with Reports on Havasupai Animals
Denver, Colorado
Reviewed November 14, 2023
Havasupai Dark Secret
I feel like I waited a lifetime for this trip. With Covid and mudslides our permit was delayed 3 years. When our dates came up this year we were pumped.
Sadly, this trip. . . this area has an ugly secret that no one seems to be talking about.
Do not use this service. You are not doing any favors to the souls who are doing the work. The animals are in no shape to carry your bags. They are malnourished, injured and abused. This broke my heart and I do not understand how people can work with these animals everyday and not want to do more for them. You take care of your people, your animals, your surroundings and they will take care of you.
I am a very positive person and I love hiking and being out doors. I want to be grateful for this experience. But if I had known that I would see and experience the things that I did on this trip I would have skipped it. There are other areas of beauty in this world that will not break your heart like this experience broke mine.

Update: Horrific Havasupai Tribe Abuses Continue
Lawanda Murray
Every bone in my body aches for these poor horses this has been going on for so long and it is so horrific!!! Some how some way WE HAVE GOT TO STOP THIS CRUELTY
Horrific Abuses Continue on Havasupai Reservation
These animals ran out of time While horses and donkeys continue to suffer at the hands of those whose livelihoods are guaranteed by casino funding, the courts have chosen to turn a blind eye to the treatment of pack animals…