Know the Truth Before You Go

**** New Photos***

Recent photos from hikers show that despite having 3 years to make changes and improvements NOTHING HAS CHANGED for the Havasupai pack animals. The screen shots below (from videos posted on social media) show the following:

1. Improper tack incl. a chest strap that is too small, rub marks from gear and small halters which dig into the face.

2. Small, stressed, tired, unhappy looking animals.

3. A foal following a mare on the trail which is likely nursing.
Veterinarians advise that nursing mares should NOT be packing.

With all the money that the Havasupai tribe has recently gotten from grants and government money, clearly they have spent nothing on these animals. Not to mention the tribe’s almost **10 million in property acquisitions** in the last two years.

If you go to Havasu Falls aka Havasupai PLEASE TAKE PHOTOS and let us know what you see. Is there water at Hilltop?

ABC15, KNXV-TV PhoenixFOX 10 PhoenixAZ DailySunazcentralArizona Daily WildcatArizona Daily StarArizona Office of TourismPETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)Backpacker MagazineOutdoor MagazineEquine Rescue Organizations

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